• (033)-2537-3297 / 2537-8797
  • apc1960@apccollege.ac.in
  • New Barrackpore, Dist : 24 pgs(N),Kolkata - 700131, West Bengal

Working Hours

Monday - Friday: From 6.15 A.M. to 12.00 P.M.

Saturday : 6.15 A.M. to 10.00 P.M.

Sunday is closed.

About the Library

A.P.C. College Central Library was set up with the inception of the College in 1960 keeping in mind the views of Dr.S.R.Ranganathan (1892-1972), the Father of Library Science in India. The main objective of the library is to disseminate information to the faculty, research scholars, students, teaching and non-teaching staff of this college. The library has a rich collection of text books, reference books, journals, magazines, CD’s, newspapers etc. to provide various types of information to its users.

However there are separate Departmental Libraries from where students can borrow books according to their demand. The rules of such seminar libraries may vary in different departments.

Library software KOHA has already been introduced. Full Computerization of the library will be done very soon.

An E-learning room is established separately within the library for the student as well as staff for accessing of web resources.

The whole Library is under the surveillance of CCTV.